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Apprenticeship Recruitment
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We are specialists in the provision of Apprenticeships

About Us

Apprenticeship Recruitment are independent recruitment specialists determined to match employers and apprentices through �work-based learning and earning� opportunities. Our service is cost-effective and our matching service is totally free!

We offer a helping hand to young people and organisations throughout the UK by promoting Apprenticeship programmes as a viable alternative to traditional staff recruitment.

Our Apprentice Recruitment Service provides employers with prospects to develop their own talent based on company objectives, by training existing staff to obtain job-specific skills.

What we do best

Let�s face it youth un-employment is plaguing our nation. Apprenticeship Recruitment addresses this issue directly by offering young people easy routes into employment though pre-employment advice, a chance to gain work experience or improve their skills in their current job through fully funded work-based learning programmes. We have designated Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) and Employee Engagement Officers who deal with individual progression needs and offer help with preparing for work e.g. CV advice and interview tips.

As a division of the Pathway Group, we have established a wide employer and learner base. We work alongside our partners in the Further Education and the Work-based learning sector to provide Apprenticeship opportunities by matching the needs of individuals with wider business needs. This includes identifying staffing needs with employers and finding suitable pre-screened candidates to ensure person-job fit. What�s more, we also advertise your vacancy free of charge! Employers have the freedom to choose from a pool of candidates and make selection decisions based on their terms..

With the government placing Apprenticeships at the centre of their plans to bring balance to the UK economy, our vision falls into place. We hope to train young people and adults to improve their knowledge and skills through Apprenticeships, to be part of a truly competitive workforce that employers need to experience growth. We endeavour to get employers on board to deliver Apprenticeships, to end youth un-employment and fill employer skills gaps.

TO FIND OUT MORE, talk to our Apprenticeship Recruitment Team on 0121 707 0550 or email us oninfo@apprenticeshiprecruitment.co.uk. Or, alternatively fill in our contact form and we will get back to you.
Amington House, 95 Amington Road, Tyseley, B'ham, B25 8EP
Tel: 0121 707 0550  Free Call: 0800 955 0870  Email: info@apprenticeshiprecruitment.co.uk
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